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How to quickly Get Strong and Healthy Hairs, Home Made remedy Secrets

How to Get Strong and Healthy Hairs, Homemade Secrets for Shiny hairs,  Home Made Remedy.


1. Dip a clean natural-bristle brush into a bowl filled with 1 cup of cornstarch, a natural oil absorber. Brush through dry hair from roots to ends.
2. Part hair into sections. With clean fingertips rub cornstarch into your scalp, then use a brush to work it through your hair for 10 minutes, until you've covered your entire head.
3. Remove coating of cornstarch with a clean brush or comb and rinse.


1. Add 4 to 5 tablespoons of dried thyme to 2 cups of water and boil for 10 minutes.
2. Allow it to cool, then strain the thyme leaves.
3. Massage the liquid into your scalp for 10 minutes, wait 30 minutes, rinse, and apply conditioner. How to Lose Weight Quickly

Tie up your hairs Properly.
Properly tying up your hair can help to strengthen them. Hair breakage increases while hairs are open or extra long.
Trim Your Hairs Regularly,
Trim your hairs on regular basis, it increase length of hairs and also strengthen them.

Take Massage on your scalp. 
Massaging the scalp will do many things for your hair. It improves the circulation and brings out the natural oils which gives a healthy and strong look to your hairs.

Don't over brush! 

Over brushing is dangerous for health of hairs and become a reason for breakage of hairs, use a wide-tooth comb and don't tear through the tangles.

Use a natural remedy. 

A mixture of ½ a cup of coconut oil, 2 egg whites and honey so the mixture is in a paste-like texture. Now Massage this into your hair softly from the roots to the ends. Wait for one hour and wash it out well.

Don't over clean your hair

Washing it every day will dry your hair. When you wash your hair everyday the shampoo strips the natural oils of your hair. so take showers in moderation. If you have over oily hair it is most likely because the hair is trying to use it's natural oils because the hair is striped of them. Make sure you are applying enough conditioner, if you are try applying high quality hot oil treatments.

Drink water properly. 

Drink plenty of water 8-10 glass daily, If you are dehydrated you are likely to have drier hair. This makes the hair less likely to build up in strength.

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